The duration of these filters is between 14 and 18 months.
Inline Anti-Odor Carbon Filters Can Filters uses a special type of thermally activated carbon that is treated with pressurized steam and “pelletized.”
The filter completely eliminates the odor produced by your plants in indoor crops.
This magnificent anti-odour filter is considered one of the best on the market due to its long life and its excellent odour filtering, making our crops almost undetectable to the sense of smell.
The filter is placed in the middle of the extraction path, allowing you to connect several outlets to a single filter. This saves you work and money, since with this in-line filter you won't need several filters to eliminate the excess odours that can cause so many problems. Ideal for when you have several lines of refrigerated reflectors, where you won't have to put a filter in each line. You can also extract air from several cupboards or rooms and use a single filter.
The pre-filter is also of high quality and prevents micro-pores from becoming clogged in the event of being in a dusty environment. The carbon used for these filters is called CKV-4 and is the best natural material for odor control.
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