Pyrite in black, turquoise and silver
Wirelessly controllable Pyrite Vaporizer, comes with a coil at the bottom of the tank that eliminates wicking problems and provides excellent vapor production.
Starter Kit contains:
Bluetooth enabled 900 mAh battery.
Replaceable dual coil clearomizer.
2 double coil.
Wireless USB charger.
Granite in black color:
Vaporite Granite Vaporizer is unique, it has a Bluetooth function that, thanks to the App that you can download on Android or iOS, you can monitor all the data of your vaporizer such as battery level or temperature.
Its small design makes it ideal to take with you everywhere.
It features a dual coil atomizer head and airflow control.
Its battery has a capacity of 1600 mAh and comes equipped with a USB cable to charge the vaporizer.
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