Humic acids and fulvic acids contribute to better plant growth, help increase yield and reinforce natural resistance.
They directly contribute to a better absorption of nutritional elements and help condition the soil for more efficient use of fertilizers.
At the same time, a correct supply of phosphorus and potassium guarantees a more optimal production with larger fruits and homogeneous ripening and setting.
MAXIBLOOM from Biorganimur is a product rich in humic and fulvic acids, it is also rich in phosphorus and potassium, which provides plants with what is necessary for the proper development and maturation of fruits.
It is applied during irrigation throughout the flowering phase:
2ml/L up to 5ml/L (do not apply to the fruit)
Humic extract 25% p/p
– Phosphorus pentoxide (P2 O5)
soluble in water 5.4% w/w
– Potassium oxide (K2O) 9.6% p/p
soluble in water
– Humic acids 5% p/p
– Fulvic acids 20% p/p
– Density: 1.22 gr/cc at 20ºC
– PH: 11 (+/_ 0.5)
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