The HI98304 DIST4 EC Tester (0.00 to 19.99 mS/cm) is used to measure conductivity in drinking water, water conditioning, reverse osmosis, cooling towers, wastewater, laboratories, agriculture, aquaculture and aquariums, hydroponics and printing industry.
It is a robust, accurate meter that fits in a pants pocket, offering fast and accurate conductivity readings.
These meters feature an amperometric graphite electrode which provides better repeatability in measurements since they do not oxidize. An amperometric EC/TDS measurement is based on Ohm's Law, I = V/R, where R depends on the distance between two pins and their surface. Oxidation will change both the distance and the surface which will affect accuracy. The non-oxidizing graphite pins in DiST's are able to provide an optimal surface for accurate and reliable results.
When calibration is required, simply dip the electrode tip into the calibration solution and adjust the potentiometer on the side of the meter.
An easily removable cover makes changing the battery simple. The battery life is approximately 250 hours of continuous use, so it is easy to guess that this change will not be necessary very often.
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